Spy series The Ipcress File shows off the 1960s

Glen Humphries
August 12 2022 - 5:00am
ABOVE: Lucy Boynton stars in the 1960s-era spy thriller The Ipcress File.
ABOVE: Lucy Boynton stars in the 1960s-era spy thriller The Ipcress File.


9pm, Tuesday, Prime7

I'm not sure what's going in this series but I can tell you it sure looks good.

Glen Humphries

Glen Humphries

Senior journalist

I'm an award-winning senior journalist with the Illawarra Mercury and have well over two decades' worth of experience in newspapers. I cover the three local councils in the Illawarra for the Mercury, state and federal politics, as well as writing for the TV guide. If I'm not writing, I'm reading.